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Monday Message – May 27, 2024

Empower Generations STEAM learning with Kathleen Fredette 5.2024

Dear Families,

We hope you’re enjoying a peaceful Memorial Day weekend. We are looking forward to seeing our learners when school resumes on Tuesday.

We have some very special events to look forward to over the next couple of weeks. Seniors, get ready for fun at Grad Bash on May 31. Then on June 5, we’ll be celebrating our seniors at their graduation ceremony. Finally, we’re looking forward to wrapping up our projects for the school year as we head toward the last day of school on June 7. Let’s stay focused and finish this school year strong!

If you have any questions for our team anytime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to or 661-429-3264. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected!

With gratitude,

Sajae Davison
School Director

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