Hello, families,
The beginning of the school year is well on its way, and we hope everyone is getting settled with distance learning. Our guides have provided all the assignments/projects in their Google Classrooms. Parents/caregivers have the ability to check their learner’s work at any time once you have accepted your Google Classroom invites. If you do not see the invite, you can reach out to any guide, advisor, or me for help.
The past few weeks during Advisory time, learners completed their MAP assessments for both ELA (English Language Arts) and math, and our 11th graders completed the science MAP assessment. These assessments are an important way for us to co-create academic goals for this school year. They also let us know how we can best support our learners within their workshops.
This week, your learner’s advisor will be sending an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) for all learners. This is a time your learner’s team (you, learner, and advisor) set the learner’s academic, social-emotional, and leadership goals. Please be sure to sign up for a time that works best for you. This will be the road map for the year!
We welcome our newest member to the Empower Generations/Innovation Studios family, Ms. Susan Miller. She is our fourth guide and will be providing exciting and engaging workshops for our learners. Keep a lookout for emails from her!
Unfortunately, California’s wildfire season is here and in full effect. If any families have been displaced by the fires or need any assistance finding necessary resources, please reach out to us and we will do what we can to help.
Have a wonderful week!
Malaka Donovan
School Director