We are so excited to invite parents, caregivers, learners, and community members to be a part of our Empower Generations iSUPPORT!
What does iSUPPORT do?
- Plan school events
- Plan community events
- Fundraisers
- Support our learners and staff
- and much more!
If you are interested in being a part of Empower Generation’s iSUPPORT, please email isupport@empowergenerations.org.
Our first meeting is APRIL 2ND AT 3:30 p.m. VIA ZOOM.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://empowergenerations.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/EG_iSUPPORT-Banner_pr-1.pdf” title=”EG_iSUPPORT Banner_pr-1″]