Message from the Director
Dear Families,
Please make sure you’re checking your learner’s progress for their online classes and their on-site workshops. You can access these through Google Classroom and through iLEAD PowerSchool. If you need help accessing these sites, you can reach out to your learner’s advisor.
Mr. Rob’s workshop will be demonstrating their learning through their first Presentation of Learning (POL) — “What’s Wrong with Kareem?” — this Tuesday. We hope you can stop on by and see the work they’ve done!
We also hope you join us for the annual Multicultural Feast on November 22! This is a wonderful time for everyone to come together and share their cultures and traditions. Please see the information below.
With gratitude,
Malaka Donovan
Upcoming Events
Thur., 10/31: Empower Generations Costume Party Thur., 10/31: Minimum Day Fri., 11/1: Learner Free Day Mon., 11/11: Veterans Day – No School Mon.-Fri., 11/25-29: Fall Break Click here for the school year calendar.
It’s Pizza Time! Our Little Caesars Fundraiser Continues through October 23
Empower Generations High School’s Little Caesars Fundraiser has begun! Click the link below to purchase pizza, bread, cookies, and meal deal codes. Every purchase helps as we earn $6.00* for Read more…
Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass
Empower Generations learners, your GoPass cards are now available! With your GoPass card, you are eligible for free rides on both Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) and Metro Los Angeles Read more…