Empower Generations

Messages from Our Team

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Ms. Rosiey: Office Manager:

Cynthia Rylant November quoteHope you have a safe and happy Halloween! This week is a little different due to a minimum day and a day off back to back in the middle of the week: Tuesday, October 31, is a minimum day. And Wednesday, November 1, is a Learner Free Day.

Important dates to remember:

Mr. Twigg: Education Specialist:

Welcome to the end of October as we know it! I hope LP 3 has been working out well for you so far! Be sure to keep checking your Schoolytics and watch your assignments. If you are stuck on something or would like to knock out some overdue work, make an appointment with me either on campus or on Zoom! We’ll work together and take a look.

Ms. Jeanette: Guide/Advisor:
We had so much fun doing hands-on activities last week! Learners in our health class created models of the respiratory system to deepen their understanding of its structure and function. Learners in STEM demonstrated the difference between parallel and series by building switches and observing the direction of current.

Make sure to keep drawing connections between your real life and your school work. You’ve got this!

Have a great week!

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