Empower Generations

Messages from the EG Staff

Ms. Kim – Guide

This week is National Random Acts of Kindness Week! I challenge our learners and families to complete at least one random act of kindness each day throughout the week.
What does this look like? This can be holding a door open for someone, giving someone a compliment, or even just telling the cashier at the grocery store to have a nice day. When we complete these random acts of kindness we help to spread positivity and help make the world a kinder place; one act at a time.

Bob – Education Specialist

In response to Mr. Rob Sterling’s Monday Message of last week, regular exercise is life-changing. Ten years ago, I started power walking for 20 minutes a day. I chose this exercise because I wanted to do something that would take little time out of my day. I just leave my house and walk ten minutes out and return. I have no excuse to miss a walk. I walk just fast enough to bring my heart rate to around 120 bpm. As a result, my weight and blood pressure dropped significantly, and I feel great!

Brian – School Counselor

Happy Black History Month!

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking that they don’t have any” — Alice Walker.

“The time is always right to do the right thing” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ms. Rosiey – Office Manager

Just a quick reminder that we offer breakfast and lunch! If you need breakfast/lunch even on the days that you are online-only, please come by and get one. Contact me if you have any questions. As we approach National Kindness Day on February 17, I came across a quote: “If you can lie down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone’s day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day” – Author Unknown

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me. My email address is Roselia.Calderon@Empowergenerations.org

Sean – Substitute Guide

We are moving on to Week 5! This project cycle feels like it has flown by! Learners are finishing up this last week and will be presenting their Presentations of Learning during week 6. Please make sure to complete any missing work. Questions to ask for reflection: Are you comprehending and enjoying geometry? Have you found the concepts to become easier as the weeks go by? What areas are you struggling with?

Please make sure to come to my office hours, Mon.-Thur. 1-2 p.m.; and Fri. 8-9 a.m. and 12-2:30 p.m.

Tanya – Guide

There are only 2 days left in the 21-Day Challenge! Learners are now preparing to reflect on their experiences and begin creating thrift Presentations of Learning (POL). I am looking forward to helping learners develop a presentation that highlights their growth in English Language Arts.

Rob – Care Team

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” — Jesse Owens

This week please strive to do your best in all areas of your life. The more you you try, the better you become.

Jeanette – Guide Support/Care Team

What a math-tastic week! Acute Design had a full week working on angle relationships, Pythagorean’s Theorem, and the Distance Formula! Everyone has really been kicking butt! If any of these concepts seem hard, please remember to reach out for support. You can email me or Mr. Sean to set up an appointment, as well as leave private comments in the Google Classroom. Additionally, you are always welcome to redo an assignment for more practice and to raise your grade. In fact, I recommend asking questions and then reattempting ANY assignment that is less than a 7/10 or 70%.

Please double-check your grades and any comments that are left for you so that you can have a full understanding of concepts as we move into Week 5!

Mr. Troy – Care Team

Name 4 days of the week that start with the letter T.

LAST WEEK’S ANSWER: All the months have 28 days

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