Category: Monday Message

Love and Logic
Raising Responsible Kids with Love and Logic: Making the Internet Safer for Your Kids

By Dr. Charles Fay of Love and Logic Love and Logic is the school-wide discipline program embraced by Empower Generations. According to a survey from the Love and Logic Institute, Read more…

Free Learning Resources
Free Learning Resources for Empowered Families

We hope you’re enjoying your remote learning! Click here for the schedule for our ongoing virtual school. Are you also looking for some enriching activities and learning opportunities for your Read more…

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar. Just added: 2020-21! Zoom Links and Times Temporary Closure Communications: Food Services, Technology, Learning Resources

Organizing Your Remote Learning Schedule
Organizing Your Remote Learning Schedule

By now, you may have found and organized a space that works well to learn remotely. Now what? Let’s talk about organizing your day! We’ve provided sample daily schedules here, Read more…

Online Learning Success
5 Ways to Set Up for Online Learning Success!

Originally published by iLEAD Online Learning online has many benefits. Flexibility in where and when you learn and the ability to design your own learning space are two of them. Read more…

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar. Just added: 2020-21! All previously announced events cancelled until further notice.

Empower Generations Charter School
Exploring Empower Generations Culture: Habit 7 of the 7 Habits

Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of articles on the pillars of Empower Generations’ educational philosophy and approach. So here we are. We’ve explored six of the seven Read more…

Ralphs Community Rewards
Free Fundraising! Link Your Ralphs Rewards Card to Empower Generations

Empower Generations is active in the Ralphs Community Rewards program. Please link your rewards card to Empower Generations. The more you shop with Ralphs with your rewards card, the more Read more…

Empower Generations Charter School
Exploring Empower Generations Culture: Habit 6 of the 7 Habits

Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of articles on the pillars of Empower Generations’ educational philosophy and approach. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, relationships, or life in Read more…

Empower Generations Basketball
Join Our Basketball Practices Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Mr. Rob has started basketball practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00-4:30 p.m. If anyone would like to join, that would be great.