Online classes help learners work from home or school with small groups or 1:1 support. Students work at their own speed, giving them the option to catch up on credits or progress faster if they wish.
You are in the driver’s seat when you design your own rigorous, relevant, and attainable curriculum. Using online classes, independent study, and project-based learning, you are in charge of where and how learning takes place. Credit recovery, accelerated learning, and flexible schedules allow you freedom in your education.
We prioritize students’ overall health alongside academics. Students feel confident that decisions made are in the best for themselves and their families.
Students can gain industry recognized certifications while earning high school credit. From introductory to specialized courses, students gain technical, academic, and leadership skills through hands-on, project-based learning in various areas.
44236 10th Street West, Ste. 105
Lancaster, CA 93534
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