
Staff Spotlight: Lynne Nirattisai


Lynne is our math guide. Her passion for math, learning and parenting inspires our learners to develop mathematical mindsets and work to complete complex math work on site and at home. Lynne goes above and beyond to work to meet each learner’s need and create a program suited for our unique learning environment. Lynne has also developed an amazing car safety project for our learners this semester, including a carseat component, creation of test cars, and a field trip to the car crash site.

Lynne’s Learning Manifesto:

I believe you are valuable.

No matter your past, you can have a future. You are in control of your own destiny. If you need something, ask for it, and keep working until you get it. Don’t back down from a challenge, because even if you fail, you will learn and grow.

“He that will not sail ‘til dangers are over must never put to sea.” –Thomas Fuller

I believe you can do math.

Math is beautiful and nontrivial, and it is within your grasp. There is no such thing as a math person or a non-math person. You may never do algebra again, but learning math will make you curious and logical for the rest of your life.

“When people tell me they don’t like math, what they’re telling me is that, in a sense, they’ve never really done math.” –Unknown

I believe in quality work.

Don’t practice until you can get it right; practice until you can’t get it wrong. Take pride in what you put your name on. It doesn’t matter if you get it right the first time or the hundredth time. It only matters that you use mistakes as stepping stones to get to where you want to go.

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” –Henry Ford


movie night

Movie Night: May 23

On Thursday, May 23, all learners are invited to a movie night on campus at 5:00-7:00 PM. Come out for a fun night with your Empower Generations friends!

School Closed-Empower Generations

School Closed: May 24-27

Please note that we will be closed Friday, May 24, through Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day). We hope you enjoy the four-day holiday weekend.

Universal Studios

Grad Night Bash at Universal Studios: May 31

Seniors, join us May 31 for our Grad Bash 2024! Say good-bye to high school and hello to the thrills and all-night fun awaiting you and your friends at Universal Read more…