
Article: Achieve Your Greatness

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As you begin another semester and a new year, we thought you might find inspiration in this article from Kindra Hall.

“The truth is, you are a great storyteller. You likely have a library full of stories you tell yourself about yourself. Some are true. Some work in your favor. And some of them were put there long ago without your permission or awareness. As you stare this new year in the eye, remember: If there is something you really want but feel like you can’t have or can’t do, take some time to identify the stories you tell yourself and challenge a few of them to see if they are fact or fiction.”

Click here to read the whole article.


school counselor student

Schedule an Appointment with Our School Counselor

Learners, you are invited to schedule an appointment with our school counselor, Ms. Shirelle, who is available to support you in the following areas: Social-Emotional Academics College & Career Click Read more…

Empower Generations learners and facilitators 2024

Friday Support at the Studio

Learners, each week if you haven’t completed your work samples, please come to the studio that Friday. Our doors are open, and our team looks forward to supporting you. 

We can help you

Virtual Zoom Workshop: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Need help? We offer a Virtual Zoom Workshop with Ms. Tanya for questions and support.    When: Tuesdays and Thursdays  Time: 1:15-2:15 PM Please see ParentSquare for the Zoom link!