Monday message 12.04.2023

winter pine cone berries

Dear Families,

We are officially in the final month of 2023, and what an amazing year it has been for our Empower Generations learners, families, and team! We’re looking forward to two more wonderful weeks together before we pause for our Winter Break beginning December 18. While January 8 will be a Professional Development day for our team, our learners will return for the spring semester on Tuesday, January 9. In the meantime, our team is excited to work with you as we wrap up this semester!

We are excited to see all of you at our 6th Annual Giving Celebration on December 7! Please read below for details about this festive event for the Empower Generations community, and don’t forget to sign up for a gift for your loved one(s)!

If you have any questions for our team anytime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to or 661-429-3264. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected!

With gratitude,

Sajae Davison
School Director

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

Empower Generations Giving Celebration

Annual Giving Celebration: December 7

Dear Empower Generations Families, We hope you’ll join us Thursday, December 7, from 5-7 PM at our 6th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…

Antelope Valley Transit Authority bus

Save with the AV Transit Authority TAP Card

Have you heard of the LIFE Program, or TAP card? The LIFE Program helps qualifying LA County residents save on bus fares. With a TAP card, you can ride the Read more…

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