Monday message 02.04.2019

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP


Message from the Director

Dear Learners and Families, What’s happening at EG? Orientation is wrapping up! One more week to go, and then it is on to core classes via iLEAD Online. This week, Read more…

Student Spotlight - Lashonna Monk

Learner Spotlight: Lashonna

How did you meet your son’s father? The two met on Facebook He visited Lashonna’s home The two fell in love after they moved in together How did you find Read more…


Fun Fact: National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

There is mail in your mailbox six days a week, so let’s take time out of our day to thank the mail carrier who is responsible for getting it there! Read more…

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