Monday message 02.24.2020

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Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

Empower Generations Basketball

Join Our Basketball Practices Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Mr. Rob has started basketball practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00-4:30 p.m. If anyone would like to join, that would be great.  

Social Emotional Learning

Engineering and Design Classes Celebrate Engineers’ Week!

This week the Engineering and Design classes celebrated Engineers’ Week with lab challenges! All cohorts participated in a Water Rocket Lab led by a guest engineer from Lockheed Martin. Learners Read more…

Exploring Ethics at iLEAD Empower Generations

Exploring Ethics at Empower Generations

This week in Getting to Know Your Country and Getting to Know Your World, we started discussing ethics with a focus on the death penalty. There have been some great Read more…

Empower Generations Charter School

Exploring Empower Generations Culture: Habit 5 of the 7 Habits

Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of articles on the pillars of Empower Generations’ educational philosophy and approach. They say communication is key, but if we lack understanding Read more…

iLEAD Empower Generations Enrollment

It’s Time to Re-Enroll!

We hope you’re having a wonderful learning experience at Empower Generations! It’s been an incredible journey this school year, and we are looking forward to you continuing this journey with Read more…

Parenting Digitally Distracted Teens

Digitally Distracted: Parenting in the Age of Technology

A FREE event intended to help parents understand and work with their children addicted to their electronic devices. Tom Kersting is a nationally renowned authority on mental health and the Read more…

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Check out our first set of workshops this semester!

Ms. Jeanette In Ms. Jeanette’s workshop, through a variety of integrated math and science lenses, learners are exploring the idea of where they come from. These lenses include DNA and Read more…

Empower Generations Babies

Empowered Babies

Driving Question: How can we use our senses to explore, learn, and grow while we play? We will continue exploring the different types of play with our babies in addition Read more…


Empowered Families Need Donations

Donated items keeps our curriculum fresh and innovative.  Current needs include: Different-colored sheer fabric Sandpaper  Tape (duct, painter’s, masking, scotch); we’re open to colored or patterned, too Sprinkles Glycerin Baby Read more…

Empower Generations Advistory

Advisory: Why, Who, and How

WHY Advisory is the hub of who we are and provides an opportunity to support personal growth and build relationships. This year, we will build upon FOUR PILLARS: Learn to Read more…

Ralphs Community Rewards

Free Fundraising! Link Your Ralphs Rewards Card to Empower Generations

Empower Generations is active in the Ralphs Community Rewards program. Please link your rewards card to Empower Generations. The more you shop with Ralphs with your rewards card, the more Read more…

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