Monday message 05.27.2019

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP


Message from the Director

Dear Learners and Families, What’s happening at EG? In observance of Memorial Day, there will be no school on Monday the 27th. We will resume on Tuesday, May 28th. Learners, Read more…


Prom Was a Great Time

Prom was a pleasant experience. Congratulations to Antoinette for winning prom queen. Here are a few captured photos…  

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Memorial Day, a United States federal holiday, is observed each year on the last Monday in May. This day is in honor and remembrance of all men and women who Read more…

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