Monday message 05.08.2023

Empower Generations Staff Appreciation Breakfast May 4, 2023

Dear Empower Generations Families,

Thank you to our wonderful parents for such a beautiful staff appreciation breakfast! You are our heroes!

This week we celebrate National Charter Schools Week. The charter school model empowers educators to provide innovative, high-quality instruction. It also gives us the flexibility to create a school culture that fosters learner performance and meets families’ needs. We are grateful to be a part of the charter school movement.

With gratitude,

Malaka Donovan
School Director

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP


Pre-Prom & Prom: May 12 & 19

Hey, hey! It’s time to start planning for Prom 2023! Pre-Prom: May 12 Our 2nd annual pre-prom party is Friday, May 12, at AVPH from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Read more…


LACMA Field Trip: May 16

The art class was offered a grant to attend LACMA on Tuesday, May 16. We will be exploring the idea of art as a social conscience and how artists speak Read more…

Empower Generations messages from our staff

Messages from Our Team

Please see below for messages from our staff to you! Ms. Rosiey: Hello, Families and Learners! We are looking forward to many end-of-the-year celebrations: pre-prom, prom, grad night, senior dinner, Read more…

Free and Discounted Bus Rides Empower Generations

Free, Discounted Bus Rides

Empower Generations has partnered with Antelope Valley Transit. If you would like to receive discounted TAP cards, you can sign up for the LIFE Program. You can either sign up Read more…

Empower Generations learners

New Learner/Family Information Night: May 24

We’re excited to invite you to an info session to learn about our tuition-free charter school program for grades 9-12! Please join us to learn how you can meet your Read more…

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