Monday message 09.06.2021

Empower Generations mom and child

Director’s Message

Hello Empower Families,
During the last two weeks, we have spent time getting to know one another, we have adjusted to being back on campus, we have completed MAP assessments and we have explored Google’s complete set of features.  We are also adjusting to our new space and working on what it means to be community members.

With all that preparation, we are ready to begin this week’s workshops.  Learners can either independently work from home or come to site for workshop support.  On Tuesday, learners will receive Google Classroom invites through their school emails  If your learner has not yet set up their school email, please reach out to their Advisor or Guide.  The Guides are eager to roll out their new projects and help the learners reach their goals for the year!

With Gratitude,

Malaka Donovan, Director


Baby wipes, 4T-5T pullups, 3T girls winter clothes, 3 years and younger Halloween costumes and candy
Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

Donations for Teen Parents

Donations Needed – Support Our Teen Parents

Our teen parents are always in need of support. If you would like to help them through donations, items that are especially useful are Enfamil A.R. Formula, diapers of all Read more…

New Schedule

New SAI Schedules

Welcome back Empowered Learners! For those who receive SAI minutes to work on IEP goals, the Care Team and new Ed Specialist, Mr. Bob Gibson, are working to develop new Read more…

Classroom Empower Generations

Rising Men

Rising Men The purpose of “Rising Men” is to help our young male learners experience and talk about personal growth, mental health, success and happiness. Come join us on campus Read more…

Teen Parents Empower Generations

It Takes a Village: Creating an Inviting Environment for Teen Parents

In traditional societies, children were raised in a whole-village approach. Immediate and extended family, other mothers, kindly neighbors, and older children willingly helped new families adjust to the daily demands Read more…

Empower Generations Team

Meet The Empower Generations Village

Welcome back Empower Generations! We would like to introduce you to the high school version of our staff!  Meet your Village! Jeanette Chadwick (Guide) I was once employed by an Read more…

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