Design Challenge #4: Creature Camera Camouflage
Many people’s lives have drastically changed over the last month. In the future, scientists and historians may want to look back on this time to see how people coped, survived, and thrived. Human behavior is often easy to study because we make records through writing, photos, and family stories.
But how do animal stories get recorded? While we can learn a lot through fossils, biologists often choose to study animals in the moment via observations and trail cameras.
In this challenge, you will design the camouflage for a trail cam so that scientists can better understand the lives of animals around us during the pandemic. Are they becoming braver? More timid? Running out of food? Let’s get creative as we find out!
Learner-Led Conferences: January 31
At Empower Generations, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 31. These conferences create a purposeful way for Read more…
Upcoming Events
Sun., 1/26-Sat., 2/1: National School Choice Week Fri., 1/31: Learner-Led Conferences Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School Click here for the school year calendar.
Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass
Empower Generations learners, your GoPass cards are available! With your GoPass card, you are eligible for free rides on both Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA), Metro Los Angeles buses and Read more…