Empower Generations to Perform in Lancaster City Christmas Parade
We are participating in our first community event! On December 7, we will be part of the Lancaster City Christmas Parade! We will be teaming up with iSPIRIT from iLEAD Lancaster in a cheer/dance routine. Practices will start next week at iLEAD Lancaster, Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:30. Please arrange to pick up your cheerleader from iLEAD Lancaster at 4:30 p.m. on those days. The parade theme is ‘Twas the Moon Landing Before Christmas, so our girls will be dressing as Buzz Lightyear. We’re asking if the girls can come in with plain to mildly designed large boxes to create their flight wings by November 18.
Annual Giving Celebration: December 18
Dear Empower Generations Families, Please save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 5-7 PM for our 7th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…
Upcoming Events
Wed., 12/18: Giving Celebration, 5-7 PM Mon., 12/23 – Mon., 1/13 Winter Break Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Day Click here for the school year calendar.
Report of Progress for Your Learner Coming Soon!
Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Read more…