
‘Family Feud’ Presentation of Learning: Please Take Our Survey!

Hand hovers over cell phone.

This is the last week of school for the semester, and this is when we have our POLs. One of our classes has been looking at conflict and immigration, which can both be hot-button topics, but they have been very level-headed in their treatment of them. In order to see other people’s perspectives on these topics, we thought it would be fun to ask for all of you to share your thoughts through our survey.  The survey has 18 questions, some serious and some just fun. There are no wrong or right answers! Please write what you think the answer is, and even if it’s “out there,” it’ll still be fun to see!

The POL is on Wednesday, December 16, so please reply by Tuesday, December 15, so we can put together the questions for the game.  

We appreciate everyone’s help making this a really fun POL for the learners!

If you have questions, please contact jennifer.collins@ileadinnovationstudios.org.



Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours Template

Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours

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Upcoming Events

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