
Fun Fact: National Awkward Moments Day

Awkward Moment Picture

On March 18th, we recognize National Awkward Moments Day.  This is an annual day that every person can relate to as we have all had our awkward moments from time to time as they are a part of life; they just happen.

Awkwardness or embarrassment is defined as an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself.

Have you ever called someone by the wrong name, tripped over nothing, walked into a door, had the completely wrong words come out of your mouth, or just forgot what you were doing? The list could go on and on. Sometimes, things just do not seem to go right, and something happens that may make you feel like you want to run and hide. Whether on National Awkward Moments Day or any other day, everyone has them.


David Borkes Empower Generations Staff 8.2024

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Soluna Presentation (1200 x 675 px)

Soluna Mental Health Support App Presentation: September 3

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