
LACMA Field Trip: May 16


The art class was offered a grant to attend LACMA on Tuesday, May 16. We will be exploring the idea of art as a social conscience and how artists speak to their communities.

We were given the opportunity to take 40 students for free to attend this tour. The art class had first dibs on seats, and we still have limited seats available on a first-come, first served basis.

If you would like your learner to attend, please fill out the RSVP form as soon as possible.

Once your RSVP is received, Ms. Jeanette will send an official permission slip home with your learner. Permission slips must be returned by Friday, May 12.


Empower Generations Free Breakfast & Lunch

Free Breakfast and Lunch at Empower Generations

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for Read more…


Activate Your ParentSquare Account

Empower Generations uses ParentSquare for school-to-home communications. Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare: Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification. (Download the iOS App or Android Read more…

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Upcoming Events

Mon., 9/2: Labor Day Thur., 9/26: Minimum Day Thur.-Fri., 9/26-27: Individualized Learning Plans Thur., 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans Click here for the school year calendar.