
Messages from Our Staff

Empower Generations messages from our staff

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Mrs. Rosiey:

Hello, families and learners!

Malala quoteOur new campus grand opening was amazing! Thank you to all the families who attended and all the families who made it possible! I hope everyone is having a restful and fun spring break! Here are some updates for this week:

  • School resumes on Tuesday, April 18.
  • Intent to Return forms went out via ParentSquare. Please fill yours out. Don’t lose your spot! If you can’t access it, please call or email and let me know if you are planning to return.
  • Do you know someone who wants to enroll with us? We will have two info nights coming on April 20 and May 24 for incoming learners. RSVP here.
  • Sneak peek! Pre-prom party and prom are coming in May!
  • School IDs and computers are mandatory when attending in person. Please bring your ID and computer every day.

Mr. Moody:

April is Counseling Awareness Month, an observance raising awareness and promoting mental health to people of all ages. Counseling Awareness Month is a time of advocacy for the profession and celebration of the outstanding efforts of counselors in many settings as they seek to facilitate the growth and development of all people.

There are many benefits of going to counseling, and we want to encourage people to reach out. Counseling can improve mood, treat mental illness, reduce medical costs, improve communication and relationships, and promote self-esteem and resilience.

Mr. Twigg:

The end is nigh! The end of the school year, I mean, and that means we are officially in GRIND TIME. It’s that time of year to take a hard look at your current grades and progress and ask yourself what you need to help you get into work mode. What things can you add to your environment that will make you the most comfortable and ready to take on your work? And as always, if you ever need help with anything, come ask me!

Ms. Kim: Guide:

I hope everyone is having a relaxing spring break! We are getting so close to the finish line at the end of the school year. Please remember to reach out to your guides if you need help/support on any of your assignments. As a reminder, please take advantage of Flipped Time in the afternoon to sit down one-on-one with us to get the support you need.

Ms. Marian: Guide:

Spring break is almost over, and that means we are in the final stretch! I have thoroughly enjoyed my break, and I hope you have too. If you need help setting up a plan to complete assignments, please meet me in Zoom. Do not get overwhelmed! I can help you! If you are on campus or at home and need a plan, check in with me.

Woohoo! Let’s finish strong!

I am working with many learners who either learn from home full-time or are learning from home some days.I am here to help you. My Zoom meeting ID is 882 9053 3901 and the pass code is MsTC. Come get help, and get work submitted with me. There’s no need to be lost or confused. I am here every day to work with you. Remember that completed school work equals attendance. Just being at school does not equal attendance. Showing up equals understanding and knowledge.

Ms. Tanya: Guide:

I hope you’re enjoying your spring break! Please remember that this is the perfect time to schedule your interviews with your family and spend time asking them all the interesting questions you have for them! Social interviews with relatives are a great way to spend time with family, tell stories, and learn more about each other!

After this week, we will be diving into collecting your primary source documents and adding all the information you have gathered to your digital family tree!

Have a restful day!

Ms. Jeanette: Guide:

I hope you’re having a restful spring break! When we return, it’ll be time to wrap up our Plant the Moon projects with conclusions and to test your knowledge so far!

After this week, we will continue into the final portion of Plant the Moon. We will use our data to create graphs, make conclusions, and see some real-life applications of higher mathematics. I am excited to see you all continue building your math skills!

Mr. Troy: Care Team:

I hope you all are having a great spring break! I am — I celebrated my birthday! I also used the time to catch up on my homework from college, and I recommend using Monday to catch up on your work as well! See you all when we’re back on Tuesday!


Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours Template

Empower Generations Virtual Info Session & Tours

We’re excited to invite you to join us to learn about our free, public high school in Lancaster, CA: Empower Generations High School! We’re hosting a virtual info session this Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break Tours are available every weekday. Read more…

Learner Taking the Bus 3.20 Empower Generations High School

Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass

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