
Messages from Our Team

Empower Generations messages from our staff

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Ms. Rosiey: Office Manager:

Hello, Empower Generations families and learners!

Here are some updates:

  • Learners, you are required to bring your school ID to campus every day.
  • Don’t forget: If you don’t have your off-campus pass, you are not allowed to go off campus.
  • September 28 will be a minimum day for all learners. Please pick up your learner by noon on that date.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” —Thomas Edison

Mr. Twigg: Education Specialist:

Welcome to the first week of LP 2! I hope you are all proud of the work you accomplished this first LP! If not, then think about what challenges and struggles you had and start making a plan to address and overcome them. As always, I and the guides are here to help you! With a new LP comes a new start. Start strong!

Ms. Tanya: Guide/Advisor:

Hello, learners and families! It was wonderful to round out a week of learning about World War II. Thank you to Mr. Twigg and Mr. Troy for hosting a fun game for the class.

Ms. Jeanette: Guide/Advisor:

Due to continued WiFi issues, we are moving our performance task to next week. This also gives you more time to study! Let me know if any of the assignments aren’t making sense. I would love to support you.

In addition, welcome to LP 2! Please be sure to pick up a Unit Log for each class from your advisor. Every day you should be writing the assigned activity in the Unit Log and tracking your own progress.

Mr. Troy: Care Team & CTE Guide:

Hello, culinary families! LP was so much fun! We got to cook a few dishes, and I was thrilled with the quality of all of the new chefs we have here! In LP we will be seeing a lot of egg dishes, so expect omelets in your future!


Empower Generations First Day of School 8.13.202410

Individualized Learning Plans: Sept. 26-27 & Oct. 4

Empower Generations embraces the whole learner, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. After our beginning-of-the-year assessments and in lieu of the traditional parent-teacher conference, the learners, facilitators, and parents/guardians Read more…

teen on bus Empower Generations

Coming Soon to Empower Generations: Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass

We’re thrilled to announce a fantastic new partnership that will make it even easier for our learners to access opportunities in our valley and across Los Angeles: Empower Generations is Read more…

mental health

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Policy

At Empower Generations, we are committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all our learners. During September, Suicide Prevention Month, our goal is to ensure that individuals, friends, Read more…