
Messages from Our Team

Empower Generations messages from our staff

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Ms. Rosiey: Office Manager:

Dear Empower Generations Families and Learners,

There is so much change happening around us. Last week we bade farewell to our wonderful director, Ms. Malaka, who is embarking on a new adventure! We will miss her but wish her the best. Here are some updates to be aware of:

  • For the next two weeks, the property management company will be laying asphalt in the back of the building. Our valet drop-off and pickup will be affected. Starting next Monday, October 2, drop-off and pickup will be in front of the school.
  • iSUPPORT is planning a Fall Festival for our school in October. Please be on the lookout for upcoming information coming soon. We will need volunteers and donations.
  • Don’t forget: Thursday, September 28, is a minimum day.
  • Our studio will be closed on Friday, September 29, 2023. Learners still have access to Google Classroom.

“Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.” —Carmelo Anthony

Mr. Twigg: Education Specialist:

Respect has been a topic of conversation for us this past week, and I would like you to take a moment to reflect on the ways you show your respect throughout the day. Respect is not something that is just applied automatically; you have to intentionally give your respect to those around you.

How do you show respect to those around you every day? What are ways that you can show respect for yourself, your peers, and your surroundings?

Ms. Marian: Guide/Advisor:

I hope you know that giving your best is not as difficult as it seems. Your best is based on what you are capable of. Do not base it on what you see someone else accomplish. Learn how to be your best, and you will always be proud of yourself.

Find out what you do well, and learn more about it!

Ms. Tanya: Guide/Advisor:

Our Economics learners have been hard at work developing their Game of Life Project by examining this driving question: “How can I use my digital and technology skills to build a better financial future?” Over the course of the next few weeks, they will be focusing on understanding budgeting vocabulary, developing bookkeeping basics, calculating budgets using percentages, creating a realistic budget based on their career of choice, and calculating income tax rates, net annual and monthly income.

Once their budget is set, they will begin to look at housing, transportation, and living expenses based on what they can afford. We will continue to explore topics related to credit cards, credit scores, home insurance, car insurance, and many other valuable financial literacy topics! Start talking with your learners about personal finance to discover what they still need to learn!

Ms. Jeanette: Guide/Advisor:

In integrated math and science, learners scaled recipes using proportions and fraction operations. After scaling the recipe, they made their own healthier version of ice cream and analyzed the scientific properties, including the flow of energy through the states of matter and differentiating between biotic and abiotic ingredients.

Empower Generations learners make ice cream (1)

I loved all the questions and the thought that went into your performance tasks this week. It was fun to see everyone put their learning into action.

Our next hands-on activity will be a sheep brain dissection for the Sherlock Bones learners. We will be doing the dissection on Friday, September 29, as long as the shipping date holds. In order to participate, please pick up a lab safety and permission sheet from Ms. Jeanette. Thank you!

Mr. Troy: Care Team & CTE Guide:

This week in culinary arts, we will be introducing our Presentations of Learning (POLs) for this project cycle.


Empower Generations First Day of School 8.13.202410

Individualized Learning Plans: Sept. 26-27 & Oct. 4

Empower Generations embraces the whole learner, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. After our beginning-of-the-year assessments and in lieu of the traditional parent-teacher conference, the learners, facilitators, and parents/guardians Read more…

teen on bus Empower Generations

Coming Soon to Empower Generations: Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass

We’re thrilled to announce a fantastic new partnership that will make it even easier for our learners to access opportunities in our valley and across Los Angeles: Empower Generations is Read more…

mental health

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Policy

At Empower Generations, we are committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all our learners. During September, Suicide Prevention Month, our goal is to ensure that individuals, friends, Read more…