
Messages from Our Team

Empower Generations messages from our staff

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Ms. Rosiey: Office Manager:

Dear Empower Generations families and learners,

Construction has ended, and valet can resume in the back of the building between 8:00-8:30 AM and 3:00-3:30 PM. In order to comply with the city of Lancaster, drop-off and pick-up must be in the back of the school.

Mark your calendars! Tuesday, October 31, 2023 is a minimum day. And November 1st, 2023 is a Learner Free Day.

Mr. Twigg: Education Specialist:

Hello, everyone! Today marks the first day of our Spirit Week! I’ve listed each day’s theme below. Please remember we still must adhere to our school’s dress code. Be sure your clothing choices are school appropriate, include no offensive writing or speech, and do not impede your ability to do your school work.

  • Monday: Stuffed Animal / Toy Day: Bring a stuffed animal, doll, action figure, or toy that is special to you and you’d like to show off.
  • Tuesday: Pajama Day
  • Wednesday: Gender Swap
  • Thursday: Anything but a Backpack Day
  • Friday: Culture Day

Ms. Tanya: Guide/Advisor:

Learning Period 2 is already coming to an end on Friday, October 6. Be sure to check your emails for a sign-up sheet from your advisors to sign the engagement logs and submit your unit logs. Learners should be filling out their unit logs every day with their assignments for each class. Families, please be sure to encourage your learners to check Schoolytics and submit any missing assignments. Thank you for supporting your learners in meeting their attendance and work completion requirements.

Have a great week!

Ms. Jeanette: Guide/Advisor:

This is the last week of LP 2. It went by so quickly! In order to make your attendance for this LP, you need to have a minimum of all LP 2 assignments completed in each class.

Please follow these steps to check your progress in Schoolytics:

  • Navigate to schoolytics.com.
  • Log in with your school email address.
  • Click the Progress button.
  • Change the date range to “9/16/23 – 10/6/23.”
  • Check the Completion percentage for each class.

Thank you, and keep working hard!

Mr. Troy: Care Team & CTE Guide:

I’ve been really happy with all the work in my culinary class! It’s been nice seeing all the great dishes you all have been cooking up! If you’re thinking, “Wait! I’m in that class but haven’t been cooking,” then maybe it’s time to come in person or set up a Friday to come in and do a makeup lab with me!

Ms. Dani: Care Team & CTE Guide: 

For your Entrepreneurship class, I have changed the class from “Ignite Your Spark” to “Intro to Cosmetology.” This class will be more interactive, and we will be learning something about cosmetology on Tuesdays and then practicing it on Thursdays.

For art class, we will be creating personalized journey maps. Every week will be a new experience you will draw within different stages of your life. You can be as creative as you want. Not only drawing but incorporating pictures and lettering using any media of your choice.

Happy learning and creating!

Have a great week!


Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours Template

Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours

We’re excited to invite you to join us to learn about our free, public high school in Lancaster, CA: Empower Generations High School! We’re hosting virtual info sessions every Wednesday Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

teen on bus Empower Generations High School

Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass

Empower Generations learners, your GoPass cards are available! With your GoPass card, you are eligible for free rides on both Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA), Metro Los Angeles buses and Read more…