
Messages from Our Team

Empower Generations learner facilitator (2)

Please see below for messages from our staff to you!

Ms. Rosiey:

Walt Disney quoteHello Families and Learners!

We hope everyone had a wonderful time at prom! Here are some updates for this week:

  • No school Monday, May 29, in observance of Memorial Day.
  • Join us for a Jersey Mike’s fundraiser! On May 24, 2023, from 4:00 to 8:00 PM, show our flyer and 25% will be donated to Empower Generations!
  • Do you know someone who wants to enroll at Empower Generations? We have one more info night coming on May 24 for incoming learners. RSVP here.
  • Re-registration will go out soon! We need any updated information and forms for next school year. You will receive an email notification, and it will take you to the Reg-Online portal.
  • Graduation is June 13, 2023. Congratulations, graduating seniors!

Mr. Moody:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Take some time to look within and to look around you. This Mental Health Month, challenge yourself and your family to examine your world and how it can affect your overall health. From your neighborhood to your genetics, many factors come into play when it comes to our mental health. It is important for us to understand how an individual’s environment impacts their mental health. Our surroundings play a significant role in shaping our behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and overall health. Learning about the impact of our surroundings on our mental health is a valuable way to take control of our own well-being. There are countless ways we all can raise awareness and support mental health throughout the month of May. No matter how big or small, every action and effort counts.

Mr. Twigg:

Another week and another Monday! As a reminder, I am opening time slots for Mr. Twigg’s Office Hours. If you would like to meet with me individually or with a friend, let me know and I’ll find a time during one of your post-lunch workshops where we can take a look at your work. Whether you have a question about a specific assignment or just don’t know where to start, let’s talk. If you want to make a plan to get your work done, come sit with me!

Our focus right now is getting your work done. There’s not too many new assignments being made, which means you’ll have some time and mental space to take on some of those missing assignments. Please ask for help if you need it!

Ms. Kim:
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that last Friday was my last day at Empower Generations. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to be your facilitator. It has been a pleasure to work with every single one of you, and you all have taught me so much about who I want to be as an educator.

I am also grateful to the community and staff at Empower Generations. I have learned so much in my first two years of teaching here, and I will take many skills, lessons, and memories with me.

Learners, if you ever want to get in touch with me for any reason, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email

Thank you for everything, and I will miss you all!

Ms. Marian: Guide:

Thank you to all who showed up in person for fitness testing! It was a nice turnout, and we are done with fitness testing. Those prom pictures were unbelievable! You all had so much fun! Wish I was there.

We are heading into MAP testing and end-of-year grades. Time to put your head down and get the work completed and turned in. I look forward to helping you complete your classes and get ready for a much-needed summer respite.

Here is some motivation for testing: You can do it! Before you doubt yourself, you need to see this!

Here is a guided meditation for testing. Meditation is good for anytime, this one is specifically for testing. Enjoy.

I am working with many learners who either learn from home full-time or are learning from home some days.I am here to help you. My Zoom meeting ID is 882 9053 3901 and the pass code is MsTC. Come get help, and get work submitted with me. There’s no need to be lost or confused. I am here every day to work with you. Remember that completed school work equals attendance. Just being at school does not equal attendance. Showing up equals understanding and knowledge.

Ms. Tanya:

Spring 2023 MAP testing sessions will take place May 30 through June 2. All learners are required to MAP test. Learners may attend MAP testing on campus or log in to Zoom for virtual testing starting at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, May 30.

What to bring:

  • Your school-assigned computer or your personal computer.
  • Your computer charger.
  • Your favorite headphones. (We will have some headphones available on campus for learners who need them.)
  • Snacks and water to keep your energy up!

Note: Those testing virtually will be required to have their cameras on for testing.

We encourage all learners to test on campus if they can! We have seen time and again that learners tend to be more focused if they are testing in person rather than virtually.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all for testing!

Testing schedule

Ms. Jeanette: Guide:

I am excited to announce that Empower Generations will be having an Arts Showcase on June 15. This showcase will be open to learners wishing to express their creativity through spoken word, music, theatre, or visual arts. Please stay tuned for more information! I will post a sign-up in the advisory classroom soon.

Mr. Troy: Care Team:

Whoa! Summer break is almost here. Only a few weeks left. If you’re looking for things to do over the summer, consider visiting Marie Kerr Park. They have tons of free activities!

Ms. Dani: CTE Guide:

We are currently taking any and all donations for our Empower Generations Salon. We would be happy to accept the following in slightly used and good condition: shampoo and conditioner, hair gel, hairspray, mannequin heads, makeup pallets, makeup brushes, lipstick, lip gloss, skin care products, towels, wall art or decor, hair clips, nail materials, lash materials, barber materials, wigs, gloves, perming and relaxer solutions. Thank you for your support! 


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teen on bus Empower Generations High School

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