Messages from the EG Staff
Ms. Kim – Guide
Happy Monday, learners and families. The project is quickly winding down and it is important for learners to continue to keep up with assignments regularly and seek help when they need it.
In War & Propaganda, learners will explore the social impacts of war & what American society looked like during WW2. They will use this knowledge in order to gain a better understanding about how the current issues in Russia/Ukraine have a social impact for the people affected as well as us an American society.
For Project Upcycle, learners will continue to develop their business plan for their sustainable fashion brand. This week they will explore how businesses target their ideal audiences through the use of marketing and advertising strategies in order to drive sales.
Ms. Marian – Guide
Happy Monday! It was an absolute pleasure to meet with you and your families during the Learner-Led Conferences. Many of you are more open with your families around and it is beautiful to see how they encourage you, and how you blossom with them. Thank you for allowing me to experience that time with you. I look forward to getting to know all of our learners better.
Also, It has been great seeing you in class everyday. If you have any questions or need additional help please meet me during flipped time. I am so excited to share in your learning for this week! Please take some time to catch up on and return work, the end of the workshop is only 2 weeks away. YOU GOT THIS!
Bob – Education Specialist
Who and what made the modern computers and phones we use and enjoy today? These discoveries and inventions have changed the world radically! In the 1980s a computer could be the size of a large room. Today, your phone is much more powerful than that. There are many books covering and detailing this fairly recent technology. The discovery that is most responsible for modern computing is the silicon chip, which was invented in Sunnyvale, California by Robert Noyce and Fairchild Electronics. Remember those names, because they will be etched in history! Google this subject and discover good reading about this fascinating and world-changing innovation.
Brian – School Counselor
As I continue to stress the importance of education, I will be meeting with and taking a tour of the University of Antelope Valley next week to build community relationships with our partners so that we can help facilitate various post high school options for our learners. UAV has Certificated, Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, and Master Degree Programs. After the meeting with UAV, I will be scheduling a UAV presentation on the Empower Generations campus for all of our juniors and seniors in April.
Mr. Sean
I figured I would add an interesting fact for our Monday Message. Mostly everyone enjoys dipping French fries in ketchup. Did you know that ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine?
Forget Ibuprofen. In the 1830s, when it came to popular medicine, ketchup was all the rage. In 1834, it was sold as a cure for indigestion by an Ohio physician named John Cook. It wasn’t popularized as a condiment until the late 19th century. The more you know…
Ms. Rosie – Office Manager
Our Intent to Return forms will be sent out soon. Please fill them out and return as soon as you get them. This will help us plan for next school year. If you have any family or friends who would like to enroll please have them reach out to me. My email address is
Tanya – Guide
It is difficult to believe but we are already beginning Week 4 of our Genocide studies project! It is important to stay on top of your assignments and checkpoints to ensure success and have all the tools needed to complete your final project. Here are some interesting facts that everyone should know about Genocide:
- Genocide leads to mass poverty. As seen in German ghettos under the Nazi regime, and in Rwanda’s, Bosnia’s and Herzegovina’s staggering poverty rates, genocide is not a stand-alone issue but rather one with many other branches of issues.
- Genocide disrupts schooling. Genocide devastates every aspect of an impacted community. Some major disruptions include weakened infrastructure, which in turn devastates school systems and access to education.
- Genocide cripples healthcare systems. Pre-civil war Rwanda had high rates of HIV/AIDS. However, due to sexual violence associated with the war, the rates of HIV/AIDS increased even further. The Rwandan government became nearly destitute from the war and consequently had a limited resource pool to draw from in order to treat citizens.
But most importantly, the fact that is often overlooked is that Genocide can be prevented. Genocide does not come about by a single factor, but rather by many single decisions to ignore humanity in others. Every single person has both the opportunity and the responsibility to treat others with respect and dignity. Each person is a factor in deciding what kind of world we all live in and everyone can choose what kind of impact to make. Choose kindness.
Jeanette – Guide Support/Care Team
Great job to everyone who has been attending and participating in your Workshops! Reel Physics has been doing a deep dive into motion graphs, and I am seeing huge improvements. I really enjoyed seeing everyone complete their Motion in Learning Lab. Learners collected, graphed, and analyzed data all on their own! Please make sure that you continue to attend Workshop and ask questions when needed so that we can continue to grow.
Mr. Troy – Care Team
There are 100 seats and 100 people. Each person has an assigned seat, but when the first person goes to sit, they forget which seat is theirs. This person then chooses a seat at random. Assuming everyone else knows their seat and when they go to sit, if someone is already sat in their seat, they will then choose a new one at random. What are the chances that if you are the last person to be sat that you will sit in your assigned seat? In other words, what is the chance someone won’t sit in your seat because theirs was taken already?
Ms. Dani – Care Team
Starting in the month of April, we will begin serving warm meals again! We are hoping that our EG learners will participate in the taking of the warm meals vs. the cold meals.
Also, I will be organizing a Wellness Committee Meeting on Wednesday, April 6th, at 2 p.m. If you received an email about this, please be sure to reply to that email. The purpose of the meeting is to review the Wellness Policy which is posted on the EG website and to discuss what we’ve been doing for the breakfast and lunch program, as well as setting annual goals and hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or would like to be a part of this meeting please get in contact with
Financial Literacy Workshops with Project Joy: February 26, 27
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Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours
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Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass
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