Messages from the EG Staff
Ms. Kim – Guide
Happy Monday, learners and families, last week we began our third workshop cycle!
For this workshop cycle, learners will be focusing on a Passion Project where they will explore their own passions and learn a new skill to help develop that passion. Their second project will be a recovery period where learners will have the opportunity to finish any incomplete projects from the past two workshop cycles. For those learners who completed all of their projects & electives, they will be working on an independent novel project which will give them the opportunity to get ahead in their English credits.
We only have 6 weeks left of school; let’s finish out the year strong!
Ms. Marian – Guide
Beautiful Monday to all! I enjoy listening to our learners and hearing about your goals and dreams. I noticed this week some of our learners seem a little stressed out over their school work and the idea of what to do about their future, and others seem like they are not yet thinking about it or don’t feel the strain of the workload. It’s important that our lives have balance, every once in a while, take time to relax.
Relax: to become or cause someone to become calm and comfortable, and not worried or nervous, or to become or cause a muscle or the body to become less tight.
Bob – Education Specialist
The Palmdale/Lancaster area has a famous past. Edwards Air force Base is the home of the greatest test pilots in the world. It was there that man first went faster than the speed of sound. That pilot was Chuck Yeager. Later, another pilot went twice the speed of sound over the Mojave Desert. This is also the home of many plane designers, so the B2 and B1 bombers were invented and first built right here. If you want to learn more, read the wonderful book called “The Right Stuff”. It tells the story of those pilots and how they became the America’s first astronauts.
Brian – School Counselor
I will start signing up all male students who are 18 years of age or within 30 days of being 18 years of age for the Selective Service. A young man who fails to register with Selective Service may be ineligible for opportunities that may be important to their future. He must register with the Selective Service System to be eligible for federal financial aid, state-funded student financial aid, job training under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and U.S. citizenship for immigrant men. Selective Service registration is required by law as the first part of a fair and equitable system that, if authorized by the President and Congress, would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing for an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. If a male fails to register for the Selective Service System before the age of 26, they will not be eligible for any federal benefits in the future.
Mr. Sean – Care Team
We used to think that the brain was fully developed by very early teen years. The teen brain is still developing; teens may respond to stress differently than adults, which could lead to stress-related mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Mindfulness, which is a psychological process of actively paying attention to the present moment, may help teens cope with and reduce stress. More information on managing stress is available in the National Institute of Mental Health’s fact sheet, I’m So Stressed Out.
We now understand that the brain doesn’t stop developing until mid-20s or even early 30s. There’s a lot more information and evidence to suggest that actually, brain development in various forms goes on throughout the lifespan of a person.
Ms. Rosie – Office Manager
Hello Families and Learners!
Here are some updates!
- If you haven’t responded to our Intent to Returns, please do so; this helps us plan for next school year.
- Join us this Friday for our “Pre-Prom Party” from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at AVPH.
- We are working on printing School IDs after lunch. Please be prepared to smile, take your picture, and get your School ID.
- Prom will be May 27 from 6:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.; tickets will go on sale soon.
- Graduation is June 9th for our graduating seniors!
- No School Monday, May 30th, in observance of Memorial Day.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions. My email address is
Ms. Tanya – Guide
REMINDER – Please be sure to remember to fill out your PE logs each month! I have made the May PE logs available to everyone this week. PE logs are due at the end of each month, but you still have time to go back and fill out any incomplete logs. It is important that you fill out the number of minutes as well as describe the type of physical activity you have completed. Be sure to check the number of recommended minutes for each month and include a parent or guardian digital signature. There are only a few weeks left of school! Don’t forget to include any minutes you completed with Mr. Rob on campus! Each log only takes about 15 minutes to fill out! Have fun staying active!
Ms. Jeanette – Guide Support/Care Team
Cycle 3 is off to a great start! I appreciate all the learners who have been logging into our collaborative Zoom each morning. Last week we differentiated between passion, motivation, and grit as we built key writing skills. Learners were reflective about their current level of writing and pushed towards growth. I can’t wait to see what skills they hone as we continue exploring our Passions!
Remember, your Passion Project can help you recover missing competency/credits needed for graduation OR get ahead if you have always been on track. Don’t let yourself slide at the end of the year — finish strong!
Ms. Dani – Care Team
Hello learners and families! The end of the year is fast approaching; right now is NOT a time to slow down, but to understand that the things you need to do to finish the year strong are the exact same things you should have been doing all year long. The only difference is that time is no longer an ally — it’s an adversary. I believe in YOU and your facilitators as well as the rest of our EG staff. Do everything you can to make the end of the school year a success!
Mr. Troy – Care Team
The next day for Dungeons and Dragons will be Friday, May 20th. If any learners are interested in playing they can reach out to me. Hope to see some new people join us!
Mr. Rob – Care Team
Let’s prepare our learners for CAASPP testing by ensuring they get a balanced breakfast. While your kids may think differently, eating breakfast is more important than sleeping in the morning of a test. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service, a shot of nutrition and energy after a night without food changes the way children think and act in a learning environment. In fact, eating breakfast improves the particular types of skills that students use in taking tests. Help your children fix a balanced meal before exams and every morning for long-term health and academic benefits.
Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon
Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learners Read more…
Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours
We’re excited to invite you to join us to learn about our free, public high school in Lancaster, CA: Empower Generations High School! We’re hosting virtual info sessions every Wednesday Read more…
Empower Generations Learners Ride AVTA and Metro for Free with GoPass
Empower Generations learners, your GoPass cards are available! With your GoPass card, you are eligible for free rides on both Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA), Metro Los Angeles buses and Read more…