
Messages from the EG Staff

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Ms. Rosie – Office Manager

Hello Families and Learners!

Last week was great, seeing all of you and meeting some of you for the first time. It was a busy, eventful week. Thank you all for signing the Master Agreements promptly. Thank you for your patience as we start this school year. If there are any registration updates that you would like for me to help you with, please reach out to me. Also feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have.

My email address is roselia.calderon@empowergenerations.org or by phone (661) 429-3264.

Mr. Moody – Guide

It’s that time of the year again, when I will start trying to bring in college representatives to speak to our learners, and help jump-start their college and career plans. It is never too early to start planning your future. At EG, we feel that the more options to which we can expose our learners, the more prepared they will be when it comes time to make an informed decision. Even though there may be some learners who are not interested in college, we still want to expose them to all of their options.

Mr. Twigg – Education Specialist

I’m glad I got the opportunity to meet you all via Zoom last week! I’ll be back this Tuesday to see all of you face to face. Good luck on your MAP tests this week!

Mr. Twigg’s Weekly Quote: “The right person in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”

Ms. Marian – Guide

Happy Monday! I have enjoyed a beautiful first week of school with you. There were so many of you who turned on videos and spoke out in class during the Zoom sessions and answered in the chat consistently. The energy you have been giving this past week has been amazing!

This week as you participate in your baseline MAP testing, we will be learning more about your academic strengths and challenges. Please take this seriously, because it helps us to know how to best help you. I know that you are going to have another amazing week. Maybe this is a good week to try to make a new friend.

I am here as virtual support for all learners. If you need to reach me please send me an email at marian.tell-coffield@empowergenerations.org.

Ms. Kim – Guide

Happy Monday learners and families. Congrats on finishing your first week of school! I had so much fun in person/online getting to know all of our new friends and reconnecting with old ones. This week, we will be MAP testing in order to measure where you are at academically. It is important that every learner completes their MAP test in order to measure where they are academically. This will also help you have a clear understanding of your strengths and areas of improvement in order to help you set and create goals for your ILPs in September.

Ms. Jeanette – Guide

You did it! The first week of school is in the books. Thank you for being flexible and adapting to the hybrid schedule while we wait for our new building. Another big thanks to Ms. Tanya for organizing our on-campus games! It was great to see everyone having fun and building camaraderie.

As a reminder, this week is MAP Testing. MAP Testing shows us what you already know as well as the skills you will still be building. This test helps us plan our lessons and projects so please take it seriously. Next week we will start our first project cycle! If you need a copy of your project schedule, please email me at jeanette.chadwick@empowergenerations.org.

Word of the Week: Camaraderie
● Camaraderie is a noun (person, place, thing, or idea).
● Camaraderie means a trust or friendship that builds when you spend time together.
● Example: The first time he felt like he belonged was when he joined the football team; the sense of camaraderie was contagious.

Ms. Tanya – Guide

The first days of school on campus were filled with fun activities, team building, collaboration, and a fun “Who Done It?” murder mystery! The learners bonded, developed leadership skills, enjoyed some healthy competition, and learned a few things about each other along the way. The school year is off to a great start and we look forward to creating and building a wonderful learning community together!

Ms. Dani – Care Team

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs

For those of you who will be taking the CTE Entrepreneurship class, I hope that this quote by Steve Jobs starts giving you “food for thought.” It is my hope that you, too, will discover what you LOVE to do through taking this class, if you don’t already know. Have an awesome week everyone!

Ms. Jennifer – EPIC

Hello! I enjoyed getting to know most of you at Back to School Night. I hope to get to know each and every one of you personally. If you see me around, say hi! Please start thinking about what your career interests and pursuits you would like to learn and explore more about. Let’s begin taking steps towards building your own empire!

Click here for a helpful article on career development.

Article Resource:

“Your future is not tomorrow. The future is what you are creating today.” – Anthon St. Maarten

Mr. Troy – Care Team

I hope everyone is adjusting well to the new school year! I want everyone to know that they can give me suggestions for fun activities to do on Fridays. Any ideas you have please come find me and I’ll see if I can make them happen!

Mr. Jonathan – Care Team

Happy Monday! It was great knowing you all on Back to School Night and it was awesome meeting you all during advisory and getting to know all the terminology from our amazing guides. I hope you guys have an amazing week and many more weeks to come!

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.” — John Dewey


David Borkes Empower Generations Staff 8.2024

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Soluna Presentation (1200 x 675 px)

Soluna Mental Health Support App Presentation: September 3

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