
Messages from the EG Staff

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Ms. Rosie – Office Manager

Hello Families and Learners!

I hope everyone has a great week! As November starts, I want to tell you that I am grateful for all of you and very happy to be part of your high school experience. Here are some updates for this week:

  • There is no school on Tuesday, November 1.
  • Please join us on Monday, November 7, at 3:15 p.m. for our iSupport Meeting!
  • Off Site Agreements went out a couple weeks ago. The agreements need to be signed and turned in in order to go off site. This is for the safety of all. Learners must check out if they are off site using their school IDs.
  • Learners, I want to remind you that completing work is mandatory. We want you to succeed, we are here to help you, but you have to do your part too. If you need help, please ask!
  • There is no school on Friday, November 11 in Observance of Veteran’s Day.

My email address is roselia.calderon@empowergenerations.org or by phone (661) 429-3264.

Mr. Moody – Guide

As October begins to wind down and some prepare for Halloween, please let’s not forget that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month became nationally recognized in 1985, and initially, the aim was to increase the early detection of the disease by encouraging women to have mammograms.

We all likely know someone who has or will be affected by this horrible disease. Here are a few facts: More than a third of women don’t check their breasts. Too many people with secondary breast cancer experience delays in diagnosis. It’s rare, but men can get breast cancer, too. Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer.

Mr. Twigg – Education Specialist

Welcome again to another week! I saw learners doing great work last week. I love it when I see you all making progress. Remember, everyone makes progress and grows differently and sporadically. It is important to always celebrate our successes no matter how small. At the end of this week, I challenge you to reflect on the week and try and pick something you did that you are proud of or can celebrate.

“Pure logic can lead you to conclusions that are ethically wrong. Whereas if you are moral and righteous, you will ensure that you shall not act shamefully.”

Ms. Marian – Guide

Welcome to another fantastic week exploring the world of your own mind. The discussions, comments, and questions during the advisory last week were phenomenal! I believe that Advisory was my favorite class this past week. The energy and enthusiasm that our learners showed was great. I look forward to what this week brings, and if you have things that you would like to discuss, please let me know.

Flipped time was also quite full this week. I saw a number of learners come in for assistance and clarification. Getting one on one and small group instruction will push your learning forward! Come see us during flipped time. Have an amazing week.

Ms. Kim – Guide

Happy Monday, learners and families!

I am so proud of everyone starting off project cycle 2 strong last week. As I always tell learners, continue to keep that same energy throughout the entirety of the project. I understand that it may get difficult at times to stay motivated. When that happens, find a way to deal and manage your stress in order to refocus on what needs to get done. As a reminder, if you have any questions or need help, my office hours are open Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:15 pm.

Ms. Tanya – Guide

Our study of the novel “Internment” by Samira Ahmed is well underway! As we prepare to begin reading our novel this week, I want you to consider how our past, present, and future collectively shape our understanding of the community in which we live.

Have a great week!

Ms. Jeanette – Guide

Welcome to the second half of the semester!

During this half of the semester your STEAM courses will become much more independent and hands-on. Please be prepared to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn through the process!

This cycle YOU will be responsible for your learning. You will be pushed to try new things, to problem solve, and to learn from your data. Be ready for feedback and revision. This requires that you try your best and do work each day. Do not wait until the last minute or you will lose the opportunity to revise and improve.

You’ve got this!

Ms. Dani – Care Team

Ms. Jennifer – EPIC

Happy second week of the second semester! I was very impressed by last week’s conversations about Service Learning and communities. It is essential to acknowledge the significant role we play in our community. What kind of influence do you want to have in your community? I am excited about what the next few weeks have in store for us! Come in each day ready to learn and with a positive attitude. Connect your learning to your personal life and think about how it can be relevant and helpful to you and your community.

Resources for learners and families: https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2020.00054

“A true community is not just about being geographically close to someone or part of the same social web network. It’s about feeling connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays a crucial role.” — Yehuda Berg

Mr. Troy – Care Team

October 31st is almost here! I hope everyone who goes out trick or treating is safe and gets a ton of candy! Have fun everybody!

Mr. Jonathan – Care Team

Hi everyone, it’s almost Halloween! I can’t wait to see your cool costumes. With that being said, I hope you have a fun Halloween and remember to save me some candy (not really). Have fun everyone!



ParentSquare Maintenance July 26: Your Action May Be Required

Dear Families, At Empower Generations High School, we use a convenient school-to-home communication platform called ParentSquare for event reminders, two-way communication, emergency alerts, and more. On Friday, July 26, our Read more…

strawberries Summer Meals

Summer Meals for Your Family

We want to make sure all our families have access to meals this summer. Please see the tools below if you need assistance. Summer Meals Program (SFSP) When school is Read more…

Empower Generations learners

Enrollment Is Open at Empower Generations

Enrollment is open at Empower Generations for the current or next school year for students in 9th-12th grade. If you are interested in enrolling, please fill out the form below: Read more…