
Social-Emotional Learning Report of Progress Session: December 10

Join Us

This is a reminder about the required Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Report of Progress session for all EGHS learners on Tuesday, December 10, at 12:30 PM.

  • On-campus learners: Please attend the session in person.
  • Off-campus learners: Please join us via Zoom (See ParentSquare for link).

This is a valuable opportunity to:

  • Connect with other EGHS learners
  • Reflect on your social-emotional well-being
  • Build essential life skills together

Attendance is mandatory for all learners. If you cannot attend in person or via Zoom, you will need to schedule a phone call with a staff member to complete the survey.

Important Reminder:
Please have your SSID ready before the session. You can look it up (see ParentSquare for link).

We look forward to seeing you there!


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