
Summer Meals for Your Family

summer fruit

We want to make sure all our families have access to meals this summer. Please see the tools below if you need assistance.

Download the CA Meals for Kids Mobile App

The CA Meals for Kids mobile application is free and makes it easy for families and caregivers to find summer and after-school meal locations. Summer meals provide children with access to essential nutrition during school closures throughout the summer break. Find sites by physical location, custom map, county, city, ZIP code, or partial site name. Download the CA Meals for Kids app from Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, or Microsoft’s app store, and visit the CDE 2023 Summer Meals Service Sites web page for more information on locations where children can receive free, nutritious meals during school vacation and off-track periods.

WhyHunger Hotline

If you need to find food for your family, please call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE, or visit www.whyhunger.org/find-food.


hot cocoa candy cane gift

Annual Giving Celebration: December 18

Dear Empower Generations Families, Please save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 5-7 PM for our 7th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 12/18: Giving Celebration, 5-7 PM Mon., 12/23 – Mon., 1/13 Winter Break Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Day Click here for the school year calendar.

EG Report of Progress

Report of Progress for Your Learner Coming Soon!

Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Read more…