
There’s Still Time to Join a Club!

Empower Generations join the club

There are many opportunities to explore your creativity in the final workshop semester! Please join Ms. Jeanette on Thursdays for DreamUp or Friday for Art Club! Both clubs are a place to stretch your mind and self-expression!

DreamUp is a team project to design an experiment that can be conducted in microgravity. This project requires outside commitment and dedication, but it will all be worth it! If we win the competition, our project will be launched to the International Space Station next year. Let’s give it our best shot!

Art Club has started preparing for the Art Gala. Please join us to create an expression of your inner self and explore the steps needed to create, promote, and sell your work.

Many other clubs are available, including ASB, Video Game, and Makeup Artists. Something for everyone! Reach out for help joining Zooms or any questions at jeanette.chadwick@empowergenerations.org.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes (1)

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Design Thinking

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our December focus is design thinking. This article has several tips to help you cultivate design thinking in your child: Read more…

hot cocoa candy cane gift

Annual Giving Celebration: December 18

Dear Empower Generations Families, Please save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 5-7 PM for our 7th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Mon., 12/9: Social-Emotional Learning ROP Session, 12:30 PM Wed., 12/18: Giving Celebration, 5-7 PM Mon., 12/23 – Mon., 1/13 Winter Break Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Day Click here for Read more…