Partners of Empower Generations High School

  • All For Kids is committed to championing Positive Prevention to combat child maltreatment. ​ Through collaborative efforts, innovative programs, and continuous improvement, they strive to create a safe environment for children, strengthen families, build community connections, and contribute to a better world for all. ​
  • Antelope Valley Partners for Health (AVPH) educates, strengthens, and advocates for the community through services and partnerships. They support the community with emotional wellness, caregiver support, maternal home visitation, youth support, individual and family support, community awareness, workforce development, free minor home repairs, community family resource center, health education, and a food pantry.
  • Change Lanes Youth Support Services helps young people reverse negative responses to toxic stress by identifying their strengths and natural talents, connecting them with support services that help them develop self-confidence.
  • Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley (CCAV) provides a continuum of services to child victims of abuse, children at risk of abuse, and their families. The Center offers innovative, comprehensive prevention, intervention, and treatment services and is the coordinating agency of multiple community partnerships involving both public and private agencies. 
  • Ebony Safe Space LLC supports and empowers groups and communities through relatable mental health and emotional wellness services.
  • El Nido Family Centers empower families to break the cycle of poverty, child abuse, violence, academic failure, and teen pregnancy through outstanding educational, youth development, health, and therapeutic services.
  • Future Leaders California offer young people comprehensive mentoring, turnaround programs, assistance with college readiness, introduction to various careers in the justice system, and multiple history and arts programs, FLC cultivates encouragement for participants. Their mentoring focuses on education, leadership, improvement of community relations, personal branding, and self-advocacy.
  • IMPACT Teen Volunteer Program: The City of Lancaster’s IMPACT Volunteer Program is designed for high school students who will receive an awarded scholarship once they complete 100 hours of volunteer work in our community.
  • Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHALA) works to ensure that people with mental health needs achieve meaningful, healthy lives in their communities.
  • Penny Lane Centers care for over 3,500 abused and neglected children, youth and families a month. They provide therapeutic services, foster family home placements, adoption services, transitional and affordable housing, family preservation, intensive services, and mental health services for children youth and families throughout Los Angeles County.
  • Women, Infants, and Children Program (W.I.C.) provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to health care and other community services. WIC serves infants and children up to age 5 and people who are pregnant or have given birth or experienced pregnancy loss. Partners, grandparents, foster parents of young children and working families are welcome at WIC too!​

See additional community resources here.