Author: Empower Generations

Empower Generations is a free public charter that supports pregnant and parenting teens to meet their individual goals through a whole-person, whole-family approach.
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Parent University

Are you a struggling with your learner at home? Have you ever questioned your parenting methods and wished there was an easier way to handle tough situations? Parent University is Read more…

Stay Connected

Do you follow us on Instagram and Facebook? Do you receive ParentSquare updates? We are always sharing important information and don’t want you to miss out!

Messages from the EG Staff

Ms. Kim – Guide Congratulations on finishing your first week of Workshop Cycle 2! This week learners began their new classes of the new project cycle. For this project, Cohort Read more…

Life Program – AV Transit

Please see Ms. Rosiey, our Office Manager for more information about discounted bus fare!

March Is Arts Education Month! The Arts Matter at EG

At Empower Generations, we know that creating and exploring the world through arts experience enhances all subject areas for our learners. Because arts education is an integral part of developing Read more…

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar.

Messages from the EG Staff

Ms. Kim – Guide Hello families and learners, Happy Women’s History Month! Did you know that back in the 1800s women writers and authors often published their work under a Read more…

Stay Connected

Do you follow us on Instagram and Facebook? Do you receive ParentSquare updates? We are always sharing important information and don’t want you to miss out!

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar.

Messages from the EG Staff

Ms. Kim – Guide Congratulations learners, on completing the first project cycle! This past week, learners finalized their review and published it on our class website, “Empower Generations Young Critics.” Read more…

Stay Connected

Do you follow us on Instagram and Facebook? Do you receive ParentSquare updates? We are always sharing important information and don’t want you to miss out!

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar.