Monday message 10.17.2022


Happy Sunday Empower Families!

As we complete this last week of our first workshop cycle, learners are gearing up for POLs and completing their final assignments. The next workshop cycle will begin October 24th. All their work can be found in their Google Classrooms. Guides are available on site and virtually for needed support.

Our 2nd Learning Period ends THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st. Learners’ work completed counts toward their attendance. No work completion equals no attendance for the past 20 days. Coming to our site is for support, not attendance. You can check in anytime with your learner’s Advisor.

It’s time to elect two parents for our School Site Council. Check out the Parent Square message for more information. We need YOU!

Have a wonderful week,

Malaka Donovan

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

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Kindness Quest

The Kindness Quest is off to a great start! I have loved seeing your photos and hearing about the way being kind strengthens your soul! We have had learners making Read more…

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Messages from the EG Staff

Ms. Rosie – Office Manager Welcome back! We hope you had a great Mid-Fall Break! Here are some updates for this week:  Off-Site Agreements went out a couple weeks ago. Read more…



Have you heard of the LIFE Program, or TAP card? The LIFE Program helps qualifying LA County residents save on paying the fares. This means that you can ride the Read more…



Our next iSUPPORT meeting is Monday, Nov. 7 on campus at 3:15 p.m. We will be discussing school events for the year and we would love your input!

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