Monday message 10.26.2020

21st Century Skills at Empower Generations

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day

Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP


County of LA Public Health: Voting Tips

LA County wants to ensure that voters can exercise their right safely during COVID-19. If you have underlying health conditions, make a plan and reduce your risk by either using the Read more…

Exploring Ethics at iLEAD Empower Generations

Be the Change You Want to See 

Mr. Isaac’s Workshop #2 is in full swing. This week we will be looking at songs and speeches and how they can be used to spread awareness about a topic. Read more…


Crime Scene Investigation Project Is Coming to a Close

This is our last week of our Crime Scene Investigation project for Ms. Susan’s learners. They will make their final decisions this week and put together their final presentations! Questions? Read more…


Opportunities for Artists!

Art is part of the human experience, and there are many ways we create! Currently there are two open opportunities at Empower to create as part of a community. The Read more…


A Mile in Their Shoes

Join us for a 21-day walking challenge! By joining the challenge, you commit to going on a walk each day and learning more about Black history! Please fill out the Read more…

Empower Generations learner and baby with staff member

Small Groups: Your Superpower!

Learners with IEPs and SAI minutes, please join your weekly small groups! Small groups are designed to help you meet your goals and increase your skills. We are lifelong learners, Read more…

Empower Generations learner at laptop

Ms. Taylor’s Office Hours

Ms. Taylor is holding Zoom office hours every Wednesday from 11:00 AM to noon for seniors and every Thursday from noon to 1:00 for anyone who needs to speak with Read more…

Online Learning Success

Multipurpose Family Income Form Due December 1

If you’ve already filled out the form, thank you so much! If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on to learn how EVERYONE’s participation will benefit our school. Read more…


English Learner Updates Newsletters from California Dept. of Education

Click below for newsletters with the latest information and resources regarding English learner education and distance learning from the California Department of Education English Learner Support Division:  English Learner Updates Read more…


Webinars: Virtual Safety During Distance Learning

Now more than ever learners are at home alone for hours on end working tirelessly behind a screen. During this time, they have unlimited access to the internet. Even with Read more…


Empower Generations Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Optimism

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is one of the core elements of the Empower Generations approach to education. Through social-emotional learning, learners understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel Read more…

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