Monday message 09.21.2020

Pregnant and Parenting

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/19: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

Distance Learning

Workshop #1: Need Help?

Mr. Isaac’s Workshop #1 is in full swing, and things are moving pretty quickly. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and start stressing out. If you feel like this, remember that Read more…


What Is Your Dream Job?

In Ms. Tanya’s Workshop, learners are beginning their “Game of Life” project. In the Game of Life, learners are getting a glimpse of what it’s like to be an adult. Read more…

Empower Generations Morning Mindfulness

Morning Mindfulness: Stretch and Sketch!

Need to clear your head? Trying to get energized for the day? Feel free to join Ms. Jeanette every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 8:00 for yoga or sketching! Read more…


Perseverance! Design Challenge 3

Perseverance, or grit, is the character trait that allows us to keep going. It is our determination and drive. Perseverance helps us be successful because it prevents us from giving Read more…

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Join Our Community Corner!

Welcome to our Community Corner, where we all add in resources and learn new skills, like cooking! Click here to join us! Questions? Email


Welcome Baby Darion!

Congratulations, Martha, on the arrival of Baby Darion!


Student Support SAI Small Groups

For all our learners with IEPs, small-group support has started! Please be sure to check the individualized schedule sent to you for your dates and times. SAI Small Groups meet Read more…


Ms. Taylor’s College Corner: Schedule a Meeting

Please schedule your one-on-one meetings with Ms. Taylor to go over your credits and graduation. Email:

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