
Learners Put Final Creative Touches on Vision Boards


This week Ms. Tanya’s learners are putting the final creative touches on their vision boards. They explored new technology resources and programs to create their digital collages.

Learners will be using their vision boards as inspiration and motivation for the school year. Their vision boards will serve as daily reminders of the goals they’ve set for themselves and the steps they need to take to achieve those goals.

Mattea, one of our 11th graders, agreed to share her vision for the upcoming school year. Mattea is feeling inspired to journal more often, keeping her graduation goals in mind, and choosing to smile and stay strong through the challenges of distance learning.


hot cocoa candy cane gift

Annual Giving Celebration: December 18

Dear Empower Generations Families, Please save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 5-7 PM for our 7th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 12/18: Giving Celebration, 5-7 PM Mon., 12/23 – Mon., 1/13 Winter Break Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Day Click here for the school year calendar.

EG Report of Progress

Report of Progress for Your Learner Coming Soon!

Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Read more…