
You Are Not Alone: Mental Health Writing Challenge

hands reach for each other against pink sky backdrop

Empower Generations You Are Not Alone project flyerLearners, join Ms. Taylor and Ms. Jeanette for a month of expressive writing. Through guided daily prompts, we will learn about ourselves and our mental health as well as connect to our community by creating a collaborative book.

Every day in the month of May, a Google Form will be emailed with a daily prompt. You may submit as many or as few responses as you’d like. Please note that Google Forms don’t save until you submit. If you start but close the window or go to another page, your answers will be erased. Please answer all at once or type your answers on a separate doc and copy over when you are ready.

At the end of May, we will combine our writings into a book to let our community know “You Are Not Alone.”

We all experience difficulties, but as a community, we are here for each other. Please email Ms. Jeanette or Ms. Taylor if you would like help connecting to mental health resources.


hot cocoa candy cane gift

Annual Giving Celebration: December 18

Dear Empower Generations Families, Please save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 5-7 PM for our 7th Annual Giving Celebration! We are partnering with El Nido Family Centers and Read more…

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 12/18: Giving Celebration, 5-7 PM Mon., 12/23 – Mon., 1/13 Winter Break Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Day Click here for the school year calendar.

EG Report of Progress

Report of Progress for Your Learner Coming Soon!

Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Read more…