Monday message 08.31.2020

Empower Generations learner with laptop

Hello, Empower Generations / Innovation Studios families!
It has been wonderful seeing so many familiar faces and so many new faces on ZOOM this week. The whole staff has enjoyed reconnecting and getting to know our new learners.
We kicked off the week with some team-building and getting to know each other games and activities. 
Next week we will continue setting a foundation of comfortability and understanding of Google Classroom, Zoom, schedules and projects. 
We know distance learning is new and different for not only our families but also our staff. Please reach out to any one of us if you need support or have questions. 
If anyone is in need of school supplies, we have some available on campus. Also, Ms. Danielle still has computer devices available. 
Have a great week!
Malaka Donovan
School Director
Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Wed., 3/26: Virtual Info Session, 5:00-6:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day

Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break

Tours are available every weekday. RSVP

Palmdale Family Resource Center

Joe Walker Middle School Food Distribution

Joe Walker Middle School (5632 W. Ave L8, Lancaster) is hosting a free food drive-through giveaway Tuesday, September 1, from 9 AM to noon. See below for details.  


English and Imagery

This semester Ms. Jennifer will be helping learners build their skills in English, reading, and comprehension, as well as their knowledge of history and social justice issues through graphic novels Read more…


Vision Boards Work!

Life is about creating yourself. Visualization is a powerful mind exercise that anyone can do. Learners in Ms. Tanya’s workshops are working on creating digital vision boards. The purpose of Read more…


Morning Mindful: Chill Out

Something stressing you out? Need to relax a bit? Stop by and join Mr. Isaac during Mindful Breakfast and listen to some relaxing music (Lo-Fi, Chill Step, Study Jams) while Read more…


What Is Advisory?

Advisory is a place that allows you to have a group of people you can share and grow with. It’s much more than just advice. You’ll be able to learn Read more…

Empower Generations MAP Testing

MAP Testing

We will be doing virtual MAP assessments this fall. We had a very successful trial run of administering MAP during remote learning last spring, and will use a similar approach Read more…

Empower Generations

Have You Filled Out the Multipurpose Family Income Form?

If you’ve already filled out the form, thank you so much! If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on to learn how EVERYONE’s participation will benefit our school. Read more…

Free Breakfast and Lunch Empower Generations

Free Breakfast and Lunch

Drive up to the front gate Monday-Friday, 8:00-9:00 AM, to receive your FREE grab-and-go breakfast and lunch. Mask is required. Parents and guardians picking up meals for their child will Read more…

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